HY12P03 华羿 P管 12A-30V 场效应管MOS 保证原装正品HOOYIHY12P03S 华羿 P管 12A-30V 场效应管MOS
HY1908D HY1908P HY1908MHY3010D HY3010P 华羿 场效应管MOS 保证原装正品
lSingle power supply: 2.4V to 5.5V
lEase-to-use single-chip, single-message voice record/playback solution
lActive low on all control inputs for operations
lHigh-quality, natural voice/audio reproduction
lEither level-hold or one-shot for recording operation
lEither edge-triggered or level-hold triggered for playback operation
lOptional beeping sound effects for recording operation
l100-year message retention
The following typical application examples on HY006B series are for references only.
They make no representation or warranty that such applications shall be suitable for
the use specified. Each design has to be optimized in its own system for the best
performance on voice quality, currentconsumption, functionalities and etc.
It is important to have a separate path for each ground and power back to the related
terminals to minimize the noise. Besides, the power supplies should be decoupled as
close to the device as possible.
HY12P03 华羿 P管 12A-30V 场效应管MOS 保证原装正品HOOYIHY12P03S 华羿 P管 12A-30V 场效应管MOS
HY1908D HY1908P HY1908MHY3010D HY3010P 华羿 场效应管MOS 保证原装正品