原装JW5015A JW5015 现货供应 esop-8封装TheJW3655EisabuckboostconvertertargetsHVDCfastchargingsystem.
TheJW3655Esupports1to4cellsLi-ionbattery,thefullchargevoltageandchargecurrentcanbe programmedthroughexternalresistor. TheJW3655EimplementstheBuckBoostconverterwithanH-bridge.Theintegratedlow RDS(on)MOSFETminimizesphysicalfootprint,maximizeschargeefficiency.Built-inloop compensationsimplifiesthecircuitanddesign. PFMisengagedtomaintainhighefficiencyatlightloadcurrent.JW3655Eguaranteesrobustnesswiththermalprotectionandbatteryundervoltagelockout.
原装JW5015A JW5015 现货供应 esop-8封装
JW3655E is a monolithic buck-boost charger that can operate over a wide input voltage range of 4.2V to 17V. The full chargevoltage and charge current can be programmable through external resistor. Low RDSON N-channel power switches reduce the solution complexity and improve the efficiency. The DC-DC converter utilizes proprietary single inductorcurrent-mode control to guarantee smooth transitionbetween buck and boost operation with better dynamic response and cycle-by-cycle current protection. Compensation is done internally onthe chip. The JW3655E operates in PFM mode at light load. In PFM mode, switching frequency is continuouslycontrolled in proportion to the load current, i.e. switch frequency is decreased when load current drops to boost power efficiency at light load by reducing switching-loss, minimizing the circuit. The JW3655E can operate in charge mode if a logic High is on CE pin. In charge mode, if the VIN voltage is lower than battery voltage,it is a boost converter. When the VIN voltage is higher than battery voltage, it is a buck converter.
原装JW5015A JW5015 现货供应 esop-8封装
IntegratelowRDS(on)powerMOSFET Wideinputrange:4.2V-21.0V,support1to4cellsbatterychargeFullchargevoltage:1.2V-17Vthrough
externalresistororselectablebyBATFBpinHighefficiencybuck-boosttransition 450kHzSwitchingfrequency Programmablechargecurrent,upto3A Quiescentcurrent:<5uA Integratebatteryshortprotection
JW3655EJW3655AJW3655B原装杰华特电源芯片优势供应原装JW5015A JW5015 现货供应 esop-8封装
JW3655E --QFN3*4packageQQ:1732328706
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